I went to catholic school with the same 60 some odd kids for 8 years. (9 if you went to kindergarten.)
Recently, a former schoolmate mentioned something on Facebook about St. Agnes so I decided to toss out 10 random thoughts.
I didn't spend more that 10 minutes thinking of these thoughts.
Unless you went there this may mean nothing to you. I also may be wrong about some of this. Old age you know.
Feel free to add yours.
1) Kristen played flute, Julio played trumpet and Dawn played guitar. I don't think anyone else really played a musical instrument. Maybe Hugh.
2) Lunch chips were green and milk chips were red.
3) Mr. Miller drank diet soda.
4) At some point in time, Nuria became Lisa and I missed it.
5) Almost everyone teased Mike Martin.
6) Sister John was scary!
7) Jose was the smallest guy in class. Every year.
8) I have never seen anyone with more freckles than James Wonderlich.
9) There was this thing where you could put 3 pieces of chalk in it an draw lines across the blackboard.
10) Nuns kept tissue up their sleeves.