First I would love to steal the words of the great Dr. Zibbs and congratulate all 3 of you good people who have subscribed to this blog. I hope these words console you in your times of disappointment which will happen because you are now following this blog.
And in conjunction with this congratulatory announcement, I will soon announce that the first 5 subscribers will be receiving a special (and certainly not from the back of my closet) prize.
Now on to bigger and different things.
I just got into a fight.
Well let me re-phrase that.......I just dented the hood of my Jeep with another individual.
I feel weird and can't stop thinking "What the hell, I'm not 17!!!!!!"
So here ya go:
It's a little past 8:30 EST and I'm taking my daily trip to the local mini-mart. I look forward to this trip because being unemployed, it's one of the few reasons I have to get out of the house.
Not many cars were in the parking lot so I got to park relatively close to the door. There is a man standing if front smoking. Not uncommon but less common when there isn't a line of cars in front of the store. When I step out of my Jeep, the man makes a bee line and steps into my path before I am past my front bumper.
(I will admit her that all of my sensors are at full tilt.)
Man: Where you going?
Me: (Dumbest answer I've ever given) Into the store.
Man: You got time to gib (Yes GIB) me a ride somewhere.
Me: Nah man, ain't got no time.
(I usually don't speak in an urban vernacular and when I do it's really, really bad. I start to walk past him on his right but he kind of steps in front of me so we both kinda turn and now I am almost facing the front of my Jeep.)
Whiny pleading Man: Come on Man.
Me : Nah.
So I walk into the store. The guys in there tell me they told him to leave the store because he was acting inappropriate. I asked them why don't they call the police and have him nudged off the property. They all shrugged.
So I make my purchase and head for the Jeep. As I walk out of one of the two glass doors I noticed "Man" was back to his original smoking position. Sensors are still on full but I proceed to my vehicle. Three steps into my walk back to the Jeep I get grabbed on the back of my sweatshirt and It's like I'm being pushed forward. I don't push so easily.
Here is where I skip the bull****.
I don't know what this guys problem was.
I have made assumptions on what new medical issues he may be suffering currently but here is the weird part that makes me kind of uncomfortable.
I get in my car and my cell phone rings. It's my wife. She asks if I can pick up 2 of those strawberry crunch covered ice cream things she likes. I say yeah and get out of my Jeep, walk past the "Man", go back to the store and purchase said ice cream . I come out and he is still in a submissive position. I get in my car and drive away.
I can't quite wrap my head around how I feel right now except "What the Fuck!"