So it's around midnight and I am sitting on that ledge between awake and sleep. I am happily leaning towards the edge, arms stretched, ready to take that plunge that will rejuvenate me for a new day when my wife shouts, "There is a bat in our room!!!!"
I shake myself into wakefulness as my wife dives deeper under the covers and sure enough, there is a rather large Brown bat doing circle dives around our room.
Now it's O.K. for my wife to build a barricade of blankets and pillows to protect herself from this night intruder but for me, I have to face this creature head on.
This action, in most households, would be a pretty simple task, but at the SOAT house, no killing is allowed so the winged rodent must be captured or forced out.
Due to these circumstances, I have become afraid of bats.
Sure they are fine as they swoop the pool light in search of their nightly morsel. Yes they are o.k. as they chirp from the trees waiting for the sun to move westward allowing them to once again partake in their nocturnal dinner date.
But when I cannot take my old nylon string guitar and do my best "EL Kabong" impersonation, I am a little lost.
Now this is the 3rd bat we have had (first of the season) in out home. Without the ability to just smack them down and shovel them out, I have grown unaccustomed to their hissing and swooping.
It took about 3 hours to get this guy cornered, caught in a towel and thrown from the premises.
Of course, my children slept thru the entire thing. Screams and all.
Were you screaming like a little girl?
No! I was screaming like a grown man running down the hallway.
I am totally laughing out loud at the thought of you running and screaming!
Too hilarious!
I once found a dead bat in my last place, but I've never had them in my current home. There are a ton of them around the house at night, though.
I had to catch one at my office once. It took forever.
I once had a bat in my house. Before that time they didn't creep me out. Then I got close enough for it to stare at me with its' scary angry bat eyes and teeth. I wanged it with a tennis racket, put it outside, no remourse.
Were there cartoon balloons with words like "BAM!" and "KA-POW!" and "BLAMMO!" floating around during those three hours? Because there should have been.
Hey Rob - found your blog through Terry's blog. Good stuff, and saw this old post about the bat. Had to laugh cause I had one in my house this week (and many over the years). Tip - shut off all lights and open door with porch light on. It may take a few minutes to an hour, but the bat will fly out towards the light. Works every time for me.
Peace out.
Joe S.
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