Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If you are sensitive don't look.

If you haven't seen it yet then here it is.

Before chimp attack:

And after chimp attack: ( Once again I am warning you.)


Dr Zibbs said...

Holy shit! Was a banana used to...

Sorry. I couldn't help myself. I'm a bad person.

LegalMist said...

Oh. My. God. That poor woman.

Gwen said...

Holy effing Christ on a cracker! Did it rip her eyes out?

I need to google this and find out more.

Gwen said...

I nominated you for Candy's Daily Dandy's Comment Content Hall of Fame. Check it out!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I just came over to tell you that you have been nominated for the CDD Comment Content Comedy Hall of Fame.

Come check it out and VOTE!!!

AND...that was ever so graphic!! Poor thing.

WendyB said...

Damn, you needed to give me more time to LOOK AWAY.